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G4 Solar Storm Impacts Earth

Solar Storm and Power Outages: A Geomagnetic Threat

G4 Solar Storm Impacts Earth

A significant solar flare has triggered a severe geomagnetic storm watch, the first of its kind in nearly two decades. The storm, classed as a G4 on the geomagnetic storm scale (with G5 being the most extreme), has the potential to disrupt power grids, communications systems, and even satellites.

Unprecedented Solar Activity

The current solar cycle, designated as Solar Cycle 25, is predicted to reach its peak between January and October 2024. The recent solar flare is a testament to the increased solar activity during this cycle. As the sunspot number reaches its maximum, there is a higher risk of additional solar eruptions that could prolong the geomagnetic storm conditions.

Power Grid Vulnerability

The greatest concern associated with geomagnetic storms is their potential impact on power grids. Induced currents in power lines can cause transformers to fail, leading to widespread power outages. In the past, similar storms have caused blackouts affecting millions of people.
